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Vol. 21 No. 1, 2018

Landscape diversity in Jewish Autonomous Region


Fetisov D.M.

образец_PDF.jpgPDF (2753 К) PP. 46-56.

In the paper, the author presents the results of the typological classifi cation of modern landscapes in Jewish Autonomous region. Based on the genetic principle, it has been identifi ed 25 types of landscape. It is provided a brief description of landscapes and a regional landscape map at a scale of 1:1 500 000. Natural complexes changed by human activities are marked on the regional landscape map as well. There are individual peaks of tundra patches locally presented as the upper landscape layer in the north of Jewish Autonomous region, but the small-scale map does not show them. In the region, there dominate landscapes with broadleaf forests; they occupy 51% of the area. The taiga and sub taiga cover 19% of the area; river valleys occupy 19%, anthropogenically transformed patches – 10%, and marshes – 1%. Many marshes are morphological components of other types of landscapes. The predominance of human-changed vegetation is characteristic of low-mountain landscapes.

geosystem, landscape, landscape diversity, landscape map, Jewish Autonomous Region

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